Iphone 5s

Wednesday 23 November 2011

The IPad Is The Star Of The Electronic Age

The IPad Is The Star Of The Electronic Age

The 21st century has spawned the most exciting and useful electronic media. The iPad, a smaller version of the computer, was first talked about in 2009. It had been a matter of speculation in the industry and was finally announced to the public on January 27, 2010. The product was a result of many Apple Company technicians, with CEO Steve Jobs (1955-2011) receiving the lion’s share of the credit.

In March of 2010, pre-orders were made available to the public. This Wi-Fi version went on sale a month later in the United States, followed by the WI+3G which was offered on April 30. At first the products were available only through the online Apple Store, but soon retailers were selling them.

On its first day of public access, the product was purchased by 300,000 people. By May 3, 2010, Apple had sold one million of these tablets. 15,000,000 (first generation) tablets were sold before Apple came up with the second version. This version was lighter in weight and thinner.

The second generation made its first appearance in March of 2011, and boasted a more efficient processor, a dual core Apple A5. This processor is two times as fast as the first when it comes to CPU (central processing unit) functions, and is nearly nine times faster than it for GPUs(graphic processing unit). It is also equipped with a three axis gyroscope and has a battery life of ten hours.

There are many uses for the it, including reading books and articles, watching movies, checking email, surfing the net, and playing games. These days there is a growing number of apps (applications) that are available without cost. The many national newspaper downloads offer great examples of free apps. The latest sports scores can be found by downloading some sports channels apps.

Apps also help in some mundane daily tasks. Shopping apps to local and national department stores convey information regarding bargains, where to shop, and how to buy products. All this work can be done while sitting at your desk at home.

You will find some apps that are used only for fun such as games and puzzles. An application, Cyndia Graviboard combines a physics engine with a capricious use of icons. If used a certain way, the icons lack gravity and float around the screen randomly. If used another way, you will find the icons racing across the screen like billiard balls. The iPad and it’s 2nd version are excellent tablets to have for so many uses, and as the apps are constantly being updated, the possibility for new things is endless.

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