Iphone 5s

Thursday 1 December 2011

Gift Plan for All Your Gift List Needs

Normally around this time of year I'd recommend a new holiday shopping list App. However, my recommendation remains the same as last year. Gift Plan is still my top pick. Why? It just works! Gift Plan is not tied to any particular holiday. So you can use it all year long for any occasion. You can import your contacts or your Facebook Friends. It will automatically pick up their birthdays and start the countdown until their special day. You can create different lists for different occasions and add people to them. You can put in a person's sizes, likes and ideas. Another reason I like this App so much is that it's more aesthetically pleasing than many of the other ones that are so plain-jane. You get nice big photos of your contacts as well as the ability to take pictures of the gifts you want to buy. 

The latest version adds:

Tally for each person per occasion in Shopping 
Fully opaque password
Ability to Add photos  of gifts
You can get Gift Plan for $2.99 here from the 

What about iPad users?
Alas Gift Plan is still an iPhone/iPod touch native App only. It can work on iPad, but is not a universal or native iPad App therefore it will be in the small iPhone size on iPad. If you have your heart set on an iPad gift list app, then I'd go with mGifts – Gift List Manager. You can get it here for $2.99 from the 

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