Iphone 5s

Saturday 19 November 2011

The Most Disappointing Thing About The Kindle Fire Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-kindle-silk-browser-2011-11#ixzz1e8ye3497

The absolutely most disappointing thing about the Kindle Fire from Amazon is the "Silk" web browser.
When Jeff Bezos introduced the Fire he spent a lot time talking about the browser. He promised it was going to be ultra smooth, ultra fast.
After using it for a while, we can safely say none of that is true. The Silk browser is laggy, and jagged. It feels like a really crappy Android browser, not some super slick custom-made Amazon browser.
This is bad news for any tablet, but it's especially bad for the Fire because it's primary function, as far as we can tell, is to surf the web.
Yes, the Fire is nice for reading books, but at half the price an e-ink Kindle is a better book reading experience. Yes, the Fire is good for streaming video, but it's WiFi only, so you're likely to be at home. If you're at home, it's nicer to watch video on your TV, or laptop since they have bigger screens.
The Fire has a decent selection of applications, but it's nothing like the iPad. So, we're mostly surfing the web with the Fire.
This is version 1.0, so it's possible the browser gets better. But, if there was one feature Amazon should have nailed on take one, it was the browser. The fact that it didn't is just embarrassing.
Don't Miss: Our Kindle Fire Review

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