Iphone 5s

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Keeping Track of Santa with the iPad

Everyone knows how much I like learning Apps for my children. I'm constantly writing about, and recommending the best ones to you guys. Every now and then though I run across a children's App that has no real intellectual value, but is still good for the kids. Santa GPS is one of those Apps. This App is all about keeping the magic of Santa claus going with the kids, and having a good time.  Of course, it does a little more than track Santa, which makes it my favorite among these Apps.

Track The Fat Guy
Santa GPS uses your location to tell you exactly how far away from the North Pole you are currently (this of course is where Santa is currently toiling away on all of those toys for the kids). Of course when Christmas eve arrives his location will change as he makes his rounds. To display where Santa is, the App has a little picture of Santa's workshop at the top of a world map on the tracking page. When he starts his trip, a little Santa "S" appears and moves around the map. This is always fun for the little ones to watch as Santa visits all of the little boys and girls around the world. On top of the tracker, there is count down clock to Christmas Day so the kids know exactly (down to the second) how long until Christmas.
Of course what's Santa without a wish list? Let your children type out their letters right within the App. When they're done, they can send them to Santa via email (Santa is up with the times you know)…

Keeping Up With the Latest Elf News
Want to keep tabs on what's going on at the Elf Workshop? Of course you do, and so will your kids. The Elf blog is a great way to keep up with all of the happenings at the Toy Shop.

Naughty or Nice?
This is a great little addition to the App, and for me really puts it over the top. A built in, naughty or nice meter. I put my twins in there, and every day they work towards moving that needle to the "nice" side. If they start acting up, I just get out the iPad and say "should I move towards the naughty side" and they straiten right up. Seriously, it's a fun little addition to the App, and something my kids like to see. It completes the whole experience.

Bottom Line
This is a really fun, really easy to use, well made App that the kids will love. If you have children that believe in Santa, you need this App.

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